Doing It Because It’s Scary

Inside Out
1 min readNov 23, 2020

This is all about overcoming fears.

It’s terrifying to see my name beside a text that’s here for everyone to see. I’m used to hiding behind nicknames and half-hearted projects that keep me safe from exposing myself.

Putting out my real name and attaching my thoughts to it seems like a big step to me. Can I write my thoughts down so others would understand them? Do I believe what I say is true? Do I even have something to say?

I’ve always been a creator and entrepreneur at heart. But life has constantly shown me that putting in hard work doesn’t always pay off. When I fail, it’s my fault. I can always change my strategy and start over. But life is short — what if I die trying?

Yes, this is definitely about overcoming fears. It feels so awkward writing my words here… That I just have to do it — and crush it.

EDIT: I’ve decided to hide my name and — again — hide behind a nickname. I figured that writing the “3 Steps To Success” type of articles is not for me. Everyone is already doing it and I don’t believe in 80% of it anyway. What if I try to be as honest as I can be for a change. Without caring too much about how many readers my stories could reach. Instead, I’m going private here. As private as I possibly can. And I don’t want to ruin my chances of ever getting a job again ;)

